4WD Track
55.6km Return
1178m Elevation
Nestled between the Seaward and Inland Kaikōura Ranges, Clarence Reserve Station was once one of the country’s largest. These days this vast and rugged high-country is part of the Ka Whata Tu o Rakihouia Conservation Park and cyclists have unrestricted access.
The primary access is over Blind Saddle, leaving from the Kahutara River bridge on the Inland Kaikōura road. It’s a decent climb up to the top at around 1200m, with great views back to the Inland Road and down to the coast. Looking toward the Clarence River from the top reveals the vastness of this high country. You will see weird rock formations and the remnants of fences and historic huts from farming days as you make your way down to the Seymour Stream. Following the Seymour brings you to the Clarence River and Forbes Hut (previously Seymour Hut).
There are many opportunities for adventure beyond Forbes Hut. Up the Clarence, under the imposing Dillion Cone is the Palmer Hut. Turn off 2 km up the Seymour from the Clarence for the track to Palmer Hut. Following the track down the Clarence will take you across Quail flat and eventually Goose Flat Hut, 22 km down river from Forbes Hut.
To get out of the valley, it’s the same way you came in.
Trail Status & Alerts
Currently no issues – Always check weather forecast
Please report any trail problems at the Contact Form
Download Clarence Valley Map.
PDF map download.
- Impressive views from Blind Saddle and summit
- Expansive and rugged high country
- Modern DOC huts for overnighting
- Surface - Shingle, 4wd track, riverbed
- Vast and remote high country. Be prepared for all weather
- Mountain bikers are requested to use roads and formed tracks only
- No Fires
- Hut pass/ticket required at huts
- Respect our cultural heritage
- Water at huts
- Various creeks with fresh water - treatment recommended